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These days, it seems like everybody is an influencer.
You can’t open Instagram without stumbling across a dozen people trying to build a brand for themselves by posting about their new “journeys” or “experiences.”
Which is why when you come across someone who’s an actual influencer, somebody who has made a name for themselves, and who has helped scores of people in the development community, you book them for your podcast. So that’s exactly what we did.
Join us as we talk with Dane Mackier, Co-Founder & CTO at Rapture, all about:
Timing is critical. Dane’s day starts at 4am, and his work day starts at 5am.
He shuts the whole world out when he is focused on execution for two hours at a time. If he remembers anything else, during this time, it goes into his notes (which he affectionately calls his brain dump).
If it’s not related to the task at hand, it doesn’t receive immediate attention. Dane’s discipline is next level.
Since actually becoming an influencer, you can imagine Dane’s social media, YouTube, and emails receive a huge influx of messages and comments, so he has shifted his dedicated response time from daily doses to weekly ones.
Being a trusted source of information and advice for making decisions is when you know you’re an influencer. This has certainly been the case for Dane, with respect to Dart and Flutter.